Our Objective

At Education Enhanced, our objective is to assist you in consistently improving and developing your institution through effective training workshops for your students.

Successful professional relationships require quality communication as well as demonstration of dedication and integrity. Our programmes not only equip students with the necessary communication skills needed to excel in an exceedingly competitive job market, but also provide them with highly beneficial techniques to implement in order to succeed in all aspects of life.

Well-spoken, highly skilled graduates are an immediate reflection of the educational institution to which they belong. We therefore invite you to join us in our mission to create and provide society with quality individuals of the utmost excellence.

First & Second Year Student Workshops

As students begin to progress into adulthood, there are certain skills that become essential for them to master and display. This workshop assists students in enhancing the quality of their interactions with peers and superiors, as well as the confidence and efficiency with which they present and organise themselves. They are also equipped with the necessary skills required to increase their productivity in the areas of study and exam-preparation, while developing a stronger sense of self-motivation.


  • Effective Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
  • Polite Behaviour and Etiquette
  • Pronunciation and Vocabulary
  • Improving Fluency


  • Increasing Productivity
  • Study Skills
  • Beating Procrastination
  • Time and Stress Management

Personality Developement

  • Confidence Building
  • Overcoming Fears
  • Self Presentation
  • Interpersonal Skills

Third and Fourth Year Student Workshops

As they prepare to make the transition from students to active members of society and the workforce, this workshop provides students with the needful skills to not only gain employment, but also retain their respective jobs and enhance their careers through the demonstration of exceptional communication, organisation and leadership skills.

Job Training

  • Interview Preparation
  • Professional Decorum
  • Developing People Skills
  • Team Building
  • Delivering an effective presentation


  • Effective Verbal and Nonverbal Communication
  • Polite Behaviour and Etiquette
  • Pronunciation and Vocabulary
  • Improving Fluency


  • Increasing Productivity
  • Study Skills
  • Beating Procrastination
  • Time and Stress Management

Personality Developement

  • Confidence Building
  • Overcoming Fears
  • Self Presentation
  • Interpersonal Skills

Women’s Empowerment Workshop

This session caters specifically to female students and provides the young women of your institution with a comfortable environment to explore women’s issues.

Areas of Focus

  • Leadership Skills
  • Confidence
  • Career Guidance
  • Self-protection and awareness

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Our goal is to assist business and education establishments in enriching their human resources through training workshops.

© 2018 Education Enhanced. All Rights Reserved.