
3 Reasons You May Not Be Achieving Desired Results

You have spent a substantial period of time studying a particular subject, yet when you receive your results, you find that they do not reflect the amount of work you have invested. Does this sound familiar? In such a situation, it would be natural to feel demoralised and be tempted to avoid trying again. Instead of giving up on yourself, consider the following reasons and see if you may be making the following mistakes.


  1. Studying when you’re too tired or distracted

The time of the day we select to sit down and study is a key element in determining how successfully we process information. If it takes you some time in the morning to properly wake up and be alert, then early morning study sessions probably aren’t the best strategy for you. Think about which time of the day it is that you are at your most alert and energised self. This would be the best time to study. An exhausted brain at the end of the day is not your ideal state of mind to study in. 


      2. Too much anxiety associated with the subject 

If this is a subject that you are not particularly confident in or one that you find uninteresting, then it would be natural for you to have negative emotions associated with this subject. As a result, the quality of learning that will take place will inevitably be affected. A natural response your brain has to any negative input is to block it out, in order to protect you from any anxiety it may create. Try to change the way you think about this subject and refocus your attention to future achievement rather than past failure. Remind yourself that this subject does not necessarily have to be the scary thing you have created in your mind and is actually something that is a stepping stone to your goals. 


     3. Defeatist mindset 

The subconscious mind works in ways that we are not always aware of. Our brain has a tendency to believe any thoughts that it is repeatedly exposed to, and then react accordingly.  If you are constantly repeating negative thoughts to yourself in regards to a certain subject, then the chances of you performing well in that area are naturally reduced. If you have led yourself to believe that this is an area in which you are not likely to see much success due to possible failures in the past, your brain will not be inclined to attempt to absorb and retain any new information for this topic. Your subconscious mind has given up even before you have opened up the book. Keep negative thoughts away from your mind and convince yourself that you are perfectly capable of doing this. 


If any of the above behaviours sound familiar to you, it is essential to make immediate changes to these habits. The most important thing to remember is to continue to try different things until you find the solution that works best for you and gets you the results you seek.

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